MISCELLANEOUS 40. Love at first sight comes from many life times before. We meet again, and sometimes again and again and again, when it comes to unfinished business of dark or semi-dark secrets, like the real reason around the circumcision of Abraham.



Love at first sight comes from many life times before. We meet again, and sometimes again and again and again, when it comes to unfinished business of dark or semi-dark secrets, like the real reason around the circumcision of Abraham.

He was not born in Southern Sumer, that was Gilgamesh. Abraham is from Ur-Kasdim, which is in Northern Assyria, pretty close to Haran, where the clan quite settled down. It was not about the Soka Gakkai, but taking on Hammurabi’s Babylon.

Allied with Ebla, avenging Mari, looking for the protection of the mighty Egypt, Abraham the Warlord ended up at the court of the Pharaoh.
What did Egypt have? Anointed priesthood, prophets, miracle workers, circumcision, arks, tabernacles.

Not much. Talking Sphinx, pyramid giants, science, architecture, math, astronomy, medicine, wizardry, mummies, zombies resurrection, stargates, aliens, empire, sophistication, slavery, secrecy. Egypt is the land of the 42 confessions, which outnumber the Ten Commandments.

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