CHRISTIAN ANTISEMTISM: Christian hostility and hatred toward Judaism and the Jews, fueled by dogma, belief system, tradition, religious laws, jealousy, xenophobia, imperial oppression, etc., often led directly or indirectly to covert or open discrimination, persecution, pogroms, genocides and the Holocaust.


Somebody said that nothing is more irrational than antisemitism.

However it can be said that there is only one thing which is even more sadly irrational than “regular” antisemitism, and that THING is the Christian antisemitism.

Christian antisemitism is a ricocheted one.

Let’s start with the central figure. Jesus, the man, was an observant Jew.
All of his disciples were Jewish. When he quoted any authoritative text, he quoted always the Jewish Tanakh (aka the Old Testament), and he strictly observed the Torah.
(BRITISH ENCYCOPEDIA: The Origins Of Christian Anti-Semitism)

In his lifetime nobody was called a Christian, not even him.

They were called the Nazarenes or Ebionites (The Poor) or the Followers of the (Essene / Qumran) Way, or just The Way.

Even Jesus was titled Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeorum on his name-tag stating the reason of his sentence, at a time, when archaeologically we should know that the city of Nazareth did not exist before the IInd century and his cross tag means Jesus the Nazarene, the King of the Jews.

None of the Nazarenes or Ebionites thought that he was more than human.

Even some hoped that he was a Messiah figure, just like later Bar Kochba, the Jewish notion of Messiah never contained that the Messiah is Divine, let alone that the Messiah is God. After the death of Jesus, the Nazarenes were led by James the Just, (Yacov HaTzaddik) the brother of Jesus, an adamant and strict Torah follower.

Creating a world savior, divine or semi-god Christ figure is a Hellenist myth, or we can call it a religious bluff.

The original followers of John the Baptist and Jesus, mostly were killed in the first and second Jewish War ending around 135 CE, thus the gentile converts of the Apostate Paul took the movement over. Or rather saying that the original movement with its tenets and traditions were annihilated and Paul the traitor and apostate, an anti-Judaism propagator and his circles invented Christianity, mostly in Antiochia.

Those gentile converts had been already misled by Paul and his letters and his disciple circle, whose anti-Moses and anti-Judaism stand was and is clear.

When the Temple was burned down, the authoritative Jerusalem congregation led by James the brother of Jesus, was also destroyed, (fled to Pella) thus the Jewish supervision over the gentile converts of Paul ceased to exist.

During the first Jewish War, around 68 CE, the Romans also destroyed the Qumran.

The complete Christian split from the remnants of the Jewish theology had processed for centuries, but until the orders of  Emperor Constantine the great, around 325 CE, many Christian congregations had celebrated the Shabbath as well.  Emperor Constantin banned the Christian celebration of the Shabbat, and instead of that he ordered to celebrate the Day of the Sun god, the Sunday, empire wide.

Emperor Theodosius the Great, around 381 CE finished the nationalization of the church by the Roman Empire, and approximately from that time, especially through the amalgamation of Christianity with the Mithra cult, the Christian church ended up as a Roman state governed imperial church, which had nothing to do with the Jews or with the historical Jesus.

Ironically enough, the divine savior and central figure was an executed Jewish throne claimant, and the “first Pope”, the Apostle Peter a Jew from Galilee. Both killed by the Roman authorities.

Thus antisemitism was not really irrational for the Roman Empire, but quite logical, and when the empire ceased to exist , it was inherited by the church. It is not a coincidence, that the first Roman Empire destroyed the temple and killed innumerable Jews, forcing the remnant into slavery or exile, but the Second Empire, which was called The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, just continued the same path along with the Romanized countries, and we know which one was the Third Empire (Reich).

We do not even want to name the last one, though it was just a demonic and crazy power grab of a mad man to imitate the Roman empire, causing not only unimaginable suffering of the Jews and the World, but attempting to kill all the Jews on Earth.

Christian Antisemitism in generalChristian Classical AntisemitismChristian modern Antisemitism
Antisemitism and

the New Testament

Christianity and Antisemitism


Definition of Christian Antisemitism in the Encyclopedia Britannica
Homilies of John CrysostomAntisemtism of Martin LutherJPOST ARTICLE: “Through its activities WCC has managed to give modern antisemitism a Christian face.”