Lord Rowan Williams,  former double archbishop,  gave a lecture to the Oxford Union, regarding the relationship between religion and human rights. He is a real lord despite being a primate looking ex-primate. By inviting him the snobs at the Oxford Union fulfilled the Orwellian thesis, that the best social achievement is, when the wild pigs are appointed to manhandle the human resource department. In elaboration, it means that some lords are more equal than the paupers.

Giving alms is a deadly sin, because it serves as a cover-up. The church declares it as a pivotal virtue, but the church is deliberately wrong, as usual, not only in this case, but practically in everything. In this particular case and also in general, giving alms helps maintain the status quo of the establishment, where the poor stays dead poor, and the rich gets always richer, systematically. Giving alms serves as a fige leaf covering the abomination, called greed by any means.