The Anglican chief archbishop had almost a nervous breakdown, when he heard about that a certain she-wannabe-somebody-you-truss, was thinking about to move the British Embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem. Moving or not moving might be a Hamletian question, but the Anglican Church should be a bit less preoccupied with embassies. However, by definition, it can not be not preoccupied, because its church-history is embedded with asses, a situation termed by John Newton the slave trader priest as Jerusalem Embasses.

A Ukrainian Orthodox Church archbishop, Yevstratiy Zoria called Putin the “antichrist of our current time”, according to the Yahoo News and other media outlets, as they quoted a podcasted interview of the BBC, aired on February 27, 2022.  The archbishop’s bitter  grudge is certainly more than justified against Putin, especially in hindsight of the ongoing genocide of the last weeks, however the very term of the “Antichrist” is an oxymoron. The fitting and real biblical term is “the Beast”, which means an Empire level global predator.