WISDOM RECOLLECTIONS 160. As everything is energy, as matter is energy as well, at least it is convertible back and forth, so does everything have an ID in the universe, and this ID is its energy signature, like a fingerprint.



As everything is energy, as matter is energy as well, at least it is convertible back and forth, so does everything have an ID in the universe, and this ID is its energy signature. If something is identifiable, as an entity or at least a simple or a complex thing, it must have a unique energy signature, like a fingerprint or an iris structure.

If it is a USS Enterprise class spaceship or Martin Luther’s personal ink holder, it does not matter. Everything has an energy fingerprint, as ultimately matter is energy, and the energy is the wind of God.
That wind is the driving  power in the sails of everybody’s windmill, which is the soul.

An EM Drive is not bad, but it cannot compete with the mind. Many are even consciously entangled with each other throughout the galaxies. As time is not unlimited so space is not unlimited. As time is unlimited, so space is unlimited. As time does not exist, so space does not exist in the ultimate reality.

The ultimate reality does not show up until it is not seen. It cannot be heard, until it is not listened to.
It cannot be touched, until it is not touched. It cannot be thought of, until it is not thought of. It cannot be felt, until someone calms down from all emotions. One cannot experience the ultimate reality, until one becomes one and united with it.

And actually it is Quantum Mechanics. As Schrödinger defines himself as Erwin by his consciousness, so observation creates external reality. Once external reality is created it wraps the ultimate reality in a way, which makes the observation of the ultimate reality close to impossible. So you have to stop observation, to see the face of the ultimate one.

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