WISDOM RECOLLECTIONS 159. Quantum researchers are hugging each other over mere possibilities mixing in the cauldron inherited from emperor Hadrian, who loved the protein shake neutralized before a sun goes down or up.

pixabay – st.john de capistrano mission


Quantum researchers are hugging each other over mere possibilities mixing in the cauldron inherited from emperor Hadrian, who loved the protein shake neutralized before a sun goes down or up.

Nonetheless, a substantial increase in computing speed will not make anyone wiser, as the fools think in their heart that the universe was not designed, and the great order was established by mere chance.

Saint John of Capistrano liked salmon, but he was no friend of Ella Salmon.
He rejected to lick honey in moonlight, in order to get into the order to become a papal supremacist and an ardent antisemite.

Al Bundy was happily married to his car, even at occasional breakdowns. He always fixed his car, he had never exchanged it for a newer model, though sometimes some parts or even the main engine got refurbished.

If veganism were about vaginas, I would be interested, Barney Stinson might have said . We cannot say that he lied, because in modal realism, his statement could have been close to the absolute truth, though not really real.

Stalin was a self hating antisemite, always drunk from the innumerable Molotov cocktails, systematically wanking over the cacophony concerts of the harmonized Stalin organs, which mixed fear with blood orgy.

No wonder that a judgment day is coming on the whole population. The peasants are responsible for the sins of their kings, and the grandchildren answer for the sins of the grandparents, until the wrath of God gets tired, and slows down a bit, if ever.

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