MISCELLANEOUS 36. If someone tells you to get lost, there is no need to be offended very much, for we are all lost knowingly or unaware, because almost the fullness of the human nation stumbles in the dark, chased, deceived, vexed, tortured, killed by aggressive demons unleashed by the wrath of the beheaded Cerberos.


If someone tells you to get lost, there is no need to be offended very much, for we are all lost knowingly or unaware, because almost the fullness of the human nation stumbles in the dark, chased, deceived, vexed, tortured, killed by aggressive demons unleashed by the wrath of the beheaded Cerberos.

We often think that the light comes from the Sun and the stars, however the light comes from the spark in the heart, and the sparks are light shards temporarily separated from the flight command center in another galaxy, but from the same speeding ticket earning cluster or not.

Trans-paparazzis want to be called mamarazzis, but the Royal Dutch Post Office called it a bluff, for the cherry and the banana are like apples and oranges, they are not interchangeable, not even on post stamps, cannot be commemorated on postcards, hanging out in post offices.

Shooting out cannot happen without guns. Knife fights cannot be won without knives. A fist fight is not too fair for a one arm boxer or for an armless loveseat. Stupefying stunts are there to achieve stupefaction in the unexpecting opponents who are usually not pregnant women aka mothers to come.

The future is not running away, it will hit across. It will be a hit, as everyone will have to face it sooner or later, however quantum mechanics must repair our quantum vehicles in order to catch the future up despite our baggage and burdened former lives through botched reincarnation attempts.

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