The worst thing has ever happened to Jesus was the Apostle Paul


The cross was not the worst thing that happened to Jesus. It was only the second one. The worst thing has ever happened to Jesus was the Apostle Paul, the fake Apostle, the renegade traitor.

The first century gentile Christian sympathizers, the devoted ones to the cause, whatever the cause eventually was or evolved into, realized that an evil monster was reborn in Emperor Nero, in whom Antiochos Epiphanes, the madman, possibly reincarnated in order to destroy the Jews.

The so called number of the beast in the gematria is either 666 or 616 according to the gentile Book of Revelation. They both implicate Emperor Nero. Today’s assumption is that this number belongs to the antichrist.
The very term of the antichrist is an oxymoron, … more here (later).

Nonetheless, Nero was the beast who must have been identified with a mysterious number, that can be assuredly established, as he was the emperor who ordered his general, Vespasian to crash the Jews and destroy the Temple of their God.
It is also very talkative, that the Third Reich was in theory the third Roman Empire, where the maniac leader declared that the number one enemy of the public are the Jews.

Mr. Adolf Beast did not try to eliminate the Roman Imperial Church, neither to erase the cross sign from the side of the tanks and the aircrafts, but he did try to kill all the Jews. Not only in Germany, but on the surface of the Earth.
So we had the beast in Nero. However,  according to tradition the beast always comes together with the false prophet.
In Nero’s era it was the Apostle Paul.

The Romans crucified Jesus, destroyed the Temple, ruined Jerusalem, killed around a million Jews in the subsequent revolts and wars, eventually exiled almost the whole nation. Vespasian, who took the treasure of the Temple of Jerusalem to finance the very building of the Colosseum in Rome, he alone took around 100k Jewish slaves from Judea  in order to have forced labor in the same construction.

However, renegade Paul attempted to annihilate Judaism, the soul of the Jews, by  creating  its antithesis, a twisted, Hellenistic new religion, called Christianity, declaring that the Law of Moses expired, it is not valid any longer.

It is also very, very talkative, that Christians began to be called Christians, of course not in Jerusalem, but in Antiochia, the capital city of the Seleucids, and the arch enemy of the Jews, Antiochos Epiphanes the Mad, the mass murderer.

Paul is the false prophet, centered first in Antiochia, who twisted the legacy of the Jewish Nasarene sect. The Nasarenes were for sure sectarian, nonetheless they were Torah abiding Jews, none of them taught that Jesus would have been God, and they had never called themselves Christians.

Paul invented Christianity on the suggestions of his mentor Seneca, who was by coincidence the very home teacher of Emperor Nero, just as wicked Aristotle was the home teacher of Alexander the Great, otherwise just an other butcher.

The Apostate and Renegade Paul stood against everything Jesus and his brother James represented. Paul and his circle stole the leadership from Jesus and his subsequent brothers, James and after him, Simeon of Jerusalem. This latter was also crucified by the Romans. Meanwhile the Jewish sectarian Nasarenes were killed or were forced underground, the non-Jewish groups of the followers of Paul declared themselves Christians in Antiochia, the capital city of Greco-Syria.

Paul stole the legacy of Jesus and James. The Roman Emperors used the false teaching of Paul to pacify their multiethnic empire and as a colonization tool, where entire nations were romanized and assimilated, and their philosophy, their way of life (like Irish, Viking, Gall, Welsh, Scottish, Goth, Frank, Polish, Czech, Russian, Saxon, Iberian, Armenian, Georgian, Hungarian, etc.), their indigenous culture and original religions were destroyed.

It happened in the name of Jesus, but it was Paul all along and the Roman Empire or the Roman Church all the time.

May God let all the punitive demons chase the shadow soul of Paul, for ever.

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