Cyrus the Great was a Bible declared Messiah, thus he is Cyrus Christ.

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Cyrus the Great was a Bible declared Messiah, thus he is Cyrus Christ. Persian King or even an Emperor, but a Jewish Messiah. Strange enough, indeed. Like when Herod  the Edomite cut taxes in Judea and helped feed the hungry in the whole country from his looted treasure, throughout the years of deadly famine.

Nonetheless, the ultimate truth is that Messiahs come and go, still evil stays, or resurfaces, survives in thousand ways through thousand generations.

Loss of sanity does not mean desalination, not even in the desert of Saudi Arabia, where the adamant irrigation has made miracles since decades, turning the desert into wonder gardens and arable land on ancient Arab territory, where the stars are clearer then elsewhere in the world, if someone looks for inspiration staring at the night dome.

Egypt has gone. The artifacts are talking about a pre-flood civilization with obviuosly extraterrestrial links. Christianity killed the Egyptian in the Copts, the real descendants of the ancient Egyptians, as they are rather converted Greek than something else. Thus, if we want to find any remnant of the ancient Egyptian Spirit, we have to go to the Jews.

Abraham, as an Egyptian ally fought the Amorite king, Hammurabbi, and won.
That is why, he was granted land by the Egyptian Empire, in Canaan, Hebron, which was under Egyptian control for around a millennium. As the levites were Egyptian priests from Heliopolis, so Moses was the rival Pharaoh of Seti II. The Ten Commandments pack is the shortened version of the 42 confessions from the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

The tabernacle built after the the Egyptian mobile tent sanctuary used by the army on a long campaign. The Ark, as chest, is a characteristically  Egyptian technology, as well, designed for carrying sacred objects, representing the heavenly bark of the Sun God. Egypt has gone, its artifacts became memorabilia. Nonetheless anything, what is survived and it is still alive, that is the Levites, the old priesthood from Egypt, and the Law of Moses, the Prince of Egypt. It is a mystery.

Strange, but the Universe is built upon paradoxes, by design.

May the Almighty God, the Master of all the Worlds and Dimensions be given admiration as the peace will conquer our hearts and minds.

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