VICTOR ORBAN IS A PIG – Why does Victor Orban act as a fifth column general in the NATO and in the European Union, parroting Neo-Soviet propaganda?  Because, Victor Orban is a pig, called comrade Napoleon.

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Why does Victor Orban act as a fifth column general in the NATO and in the European Union, parroting Neo-Soviet propaganda? Because, Victor Orban is a pig, called comrade Napoleon.

Victor Orban is a pig. Although it is a metaphorical statement, still a fortunate one, where the very person embodies the metaphor, in this case of an Orwellian pig.

He and his gang betrayed the democratic hopes of the people. They hijacked the resources of the country, keeping almost everybody else poor and under control.

They also betrayed the next generations by manipulatively denying freedom of speech and decent education. They betrayed Poland again for the sake of an expanding German oligarchy.

The explanation has to go back to the early eighties of the former century and to the at- that-time young pigs, as Victor Orban and his gang are still pigs, but not young anymore.

It is as the old wisdom goes by saying, that if something looks like a pig, moves like a pig, acts like a pig, talks like a pig, muddy like a pig, then it must be a pig.

In a scientifically minded reciprocity, if a pig looks like Victor Orban, moves like Victor Orban, acts like Victor Orban, muddy as Victor Orban, then that pig must be called Comrade Napoleon Orban.

A pocket version for sure, but he is visibly a pig Napoleon, originated from the formerly happiest barrack in the Eastern Block, called once the People’s Republic of Hungary, occupied by the Soviet Union between 1944-1991, governed by the KGB.

Ironically and Orwell-wise, all began in the 1980-ies. We can observe the Hungarian young orwellian pigs right in the year of 1984 to create the “Szazadveg” (Century’s  End) newspaper and piggy think tank, then in 1988 to establish their pig-ass movement group aka the Fidesz, which a bit later became an opportunist, principles free, power and money hungry political party led by a gang of friends.

The (piggy) Fidesz was formed mostly by law students in a college dorm of the communist Budapest. All of them were socialized by “Janos Kadar’s” dictatorship.

Orwell was accurate in his prediction, that when a new and hungry authoritarian nomenclature replace the old one, it will be necessarily even worse, than the old one was.

The Fidesz piglets seemed to be fighting against the personal cult of the late communist leader, Janos Kadar of Hungary, who was put on his throne by the Soviet tanks, those, who crushed the 1956 Hungarian revolution, leaving Budapest in ruins, killing thousands.

Meanwhile, the Fidesz had systematically built the same cult of personality around Victor Orban, and also built the same bolshevik type gang-oligarchy network as a financial and economical background of the pigheads in the Fidesz party, while disenfranchising everybody else, practically enslaving the whole population in Hungary.

However, the at-that-time-young pigs were not freedom fighters, neither tribunes ready to die for the poor and the oppressed, not even for the freedom of Hungary from the Soviet-Russian occupation, but they were the young contenders of the old communist bureaucrats to become the new almighty party, and Orban to become the substitute  Janos Kadar, riding on nationalist sentiments at this time.

The Fidesz piglets seemed to be fighting against the communist authoritarianism, and when they won they became the new authoritarians, systematically creating a new nomenclature and a client network.
The chief orwellian pig, Victor Orban, the gang boss, became an Orwellian mob dictator, and practically his party hijacked and stole the whole country from the people.

Chief Pig Orban pushed through the creation of a system, what he calls an  “illiberal democracy”, which is of course an oxymoron.

It mixes the key features of Kadar’s soft dictatorship, like keeping the population poor, isolated and uneducated enough to have them under control, with some features of the ancient regime of Admiral Nicholas Horthy between the two world wars.

This late Admiral based his rule on the inherited remnants of the medieval feudalism, on the alliance of the nobility with the mostly Catholic Church. The Horthy regime also kept the workforce population mostly in poverty and at bay for the new money aristocracy and manufacturing tycoons.

The regime between the world wars was camouflaged as a parliamentarian democracy presided by a governor in the name of the kingless Hungarian Crown, however it was an open military dictatorship, and at least a crypto-fascism. Following gravity, it became the most ardent ally of Nazi-Germany, sending 600 thousand Jews to Auschwitz in 1944.

Orban’s regime similarly bought the permanent support of the churches with fathomless subsidies and extended privileges. Also it gradually came to control most of the media in Hungary to brainwash the population by fear in order to cement its power, almost successfully camouflaging its own crypto-fascism as a parliamentarian democracy.

The Fidesz pigheads pushed through a carefully designed gerrymandering in the electoral system, which, combined with the fearmongering manipulations of the society, made it sure that the Fidesz pigs keep the power indefinitely, just like Putin, their idol.

The other leg of the policies of Hungary stands on, as it seems, that directly or indirectly, with influence or through economic interests, it is still very much governed by the KGB or by the ex-KGB or the neo-KGB, embodied by Putin.

There were silenced rumours that during his mandatory military service Orban was approached and recruited by the Hungarian Secret Service, the assistant organization of the KGB to become a reporting agent. Orban himself denied the recruitment part, but admitted the attempt of recruitment.

Peter Medgyessy, the PM between 2002-2004, declared, that he was a former officer of the Hungarian secret service. When he was attacked by his opposition and the Fidesz, that serving the Secret Service of the Communist Hungary, was the equivalent of working for the KGB, he said, that he could barely understand the outrage, because he could see almost as many former secret service agents among the ranks of the Fidesz, sitting in the Parliament, as in any other party in Hungary.

Whether Orban was recruited as a reporting agent or not, it does not really matter in an individual case, because the KGB or its successor has never lost its snatchy grip on the consecutive Hungarian governments, led by any party.

Interestingly, the same thing happened to Angela Merkel. She was accused of having been recruited by the Stasi to report on her colleagues. Same way as Orban, she denied, that she joined, but admitted the recruitment attempt. Whether she signed on or not, it does not really matter, as she served in the Communist Youth Organization of her Berlin University, as the secretary of the Marxist propaganda, speaking fluent Russian, conveniently.

Despite her denial, there were and are active, published voices in Germany, assuming that Merkel was planted by the Soviet Union or Russia in order to create pro-Russian policies in Germany and the German led European Union.

The post-WW2 Germany, cut into halves, ceased to be a global power. Nonetheless, many were hopeful that the unification of Germany will come around eventually. One of them was Helmut Kohl, the Chancellor.

Traditionally and geopolitically, even a United Germany, if Germany wants to challenge the Atlantic supremacy, by simple logic, they have to look for the assistance of Russia. After Germany secured its back by the Franco-German Treaty, pushing the British out of the continental leadership, Germany conquered Europe without a single rifle shot, though with some half-hearted and almost bitter French assistance.

The new German dominance in Europe met with unreserved applaud only in one Eastern European country, and it was Hungary, the last allied partner to the Nazis in WW2. All the other countries had such great grievances against Nazi-Germany, that it was close to impossible to create a new German bridgehead and client state in Poland, in Czechoslovakia, in the former Yugoslavia, even in Greece or in the Francophone Romania.

A sizable German manufacturing and research moved to Hungary, including the Audi, BMW, Bosch, DHS, EDAG, Knorr-Bremse, Mercedes-Benz, Opel, Telekom, Temic, Thyssen-Krupp, Volkswagen, etc., and the banks.

What is Hungary today? Hungary seems to be a German manufacturing colony, a client state, based on the cheap Russian gas and oil and on the cheap workforce, where the government artificially keeps the salaries on one of the lowest level in Europe in order to serve the interest of the German corporate colonizers and fill the pockets of their Hungarian minions from the EU handouts.

This involved great subsidies and tax reliefs from the Hungarian part. The extra low salaries and the low energy cost made the deal ultra sweet.

Helmut Kohl, as it seems to be, was looking for a United Europe, led by Germany, which will be able to challenge the Anglo-Saxon- American-Atlantic world power. This Europe, united by the Franco-German pact, but dominated mainly by Germany, still needed Russia as a balance against the world hegemony of the USA.

Kohl’s successor and Merkel’s predessessor as chancellor, was Gerhard Schröder, once a defense lawyer in the court-case of the extremist, communist terror cell, the Bader-Meinhof group.

From 2005, ex-chancellor Schröder landed as the chairman of the famous Nordstream gas consortion, owned its 51% by the Russian Gazprom. Wonderfully, Schröder is also the chairman of the Rosneft Oil company owned by the federal state of Russia, an he used to openly lobby for Russian interests in Germany.

Wikipedia: On March 1, 2022, Schröder’s entire staff including long-time office manager Albrecht Funk resigned due to Schröder’s alliances with Russia and Putin directly. On March 8, 2022 the Public Prosecutor General initiated proceedings related to accusations against Schröder of complicity in crimes against humanity due to his role in Russian state-owned corporations.

In 2005 Schröder resigned in favour of Angela Merkel from East Germany, who was socialized during Honecker’s Trabant Communism.
Under her watch they got rid of the military conscription system in Germany, they closed almost all nuclear power-plants of a great network, and based the manufacturing and energy supply on the cheap gas from Russia, making Germany energy dependent on a Neo -Soviet Russia, led by an ex-KGB agent, mob dictator, Putin.

Angela Merkel came from the Communist Youth Organization, so did Victor Orban. As corporate Germany neo-colonized Hungary, so Victor Orban became, as it looks like, an unscrupulous strowman for the new German oligarchy in Hungary and in the European Union, which corporate oligarchy was/is looking for changes in the global power-structure, basing their efforts on the Russian oil.

Victor Orban seemed or seems to be a nationalist rebel against Brussels, however most of the time he just voiced the demands of his handlers, the Russian friendly German corporations (and other international oligarchs), hiding behind Hungary as a client state.

Most of the time Hungary received the publicly unexpected support from Germany, when it came to EU sanctioning of the pro-Putin and anti-EU behavior of Hungary, ordered by Orban, the boss of the gang of the ageing piglets of the Fidesz.

As Merkel destroyed the energy independency of her country in favor of Neo-Soviet Russia, so Victor Orban managed to put the Hungarian nuclear power plant expansion, in the city of Paks, under the control of Russia. Not only that his illiberal government ordered the new block units from Russia’s Rosatom, but almost the whole contract will be financed by Russian banks, around the amount of ten billion euros.

This contract alone will multiple the legalized Neo-Soviet Russian influence in Hungary, which has been already over-infested by neo-KGB operatives.

It was just the top of this infestation iceberg that the United States had to issue sanctions against a Russian bank in Hungary, for the innocent sounding International Investment Bank, owned by the financial network of two close friends of Putin, just relocated its headquarters from Moscow to Budapest in 2019.

The US Treasury department stated (AP news), that this bank (in Budapest) enables Russia “to increase its intelligence presence in Europe, opens the door for the Kremlin’s malign influence activities in Central Europe and Western Balkans.”

The very willingness of the Orban’s regime to host such an obviously espionage institute in its capital city is very talkative about that which side Orban is eventually siding with.

Not only, that anti-Brussels rethoric dominates the state owned or funded media outlets, newpapers, TV and radio channels, internet portals, but explicit anti-American propaganda and rethorics as well, sounding often as clear cut Russian propaganda from Moscow.

In one of them, called the Sajtoklub of the HirTV, they even named Great Britain as the greatest threat of world peace, meanwhile justifying Putin’s invasion and genocide in Ukraine by blaming the West.

Victor Orban, his gang boss excellency and chief pig, together with his party pigs, obviously hijacked the country, keeping its population as hostage by manipulated elections, serving international and local oligarchy interests, and even during wartime, they flirt and seemingly cooperate with the enemy.

How long will the Hungarian population buy the shameless lies of its government?

How can this visible treason be tolerated by the civilized world, or how much longer?

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