Wisdom Recollection 111. For whose sake would we change?


For whose sake would we change?
Do not try to change by your will or by the will of an other man, rather just obey the One
and obeyance will change you.

If you can be patient
with your own anger
then anger might
cease to exist for you
In the very realm of enduring
Where endurance will prevail over patience.

Whelm and wheels are two multiplied ends
Where one ends the other is not there and vice versa
We are usually nowhere just in the bag of fate or karma
It is not the bag but fate or karma you may get rid of.

Nothing is lagging just the lag itself in the time loop of the universal maze, which is a circle of course and a curse on the route of neverending chores and rutines, unless you realize that the whole pile of garbage do not exist.

Only God exists alone.

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