Ben Shapiro accused Prince Harry with narcissism in a tweet on January 12, 2022. That may be a dazzling example when the pot is trying to call a kettle black, which is placed way over the head of the pot on the shelf.


Ben Shapiro accused Prince Harry with narcissism in a tweet on January 12, 2022.
That may be a dazzling example when the pot is trying to call a kettle black, which is placed way over the head of the pot on the shelf.

His tweet reads that,
“Prince Harry’s memoir is obviously self-serving and narcissistic; most memoirs are. What makes his memoir truly culturally seminal is the way in which it exposes the overt transformation of the goal of the Western leadership class from service to self-service.”

What does popular logic say, which is mostly always wrong ?
The traditional logic is expressed in Aristotle’s writing. Aristotle is almost always wrong, thus logic is almost always wrong, or at least the Aristotelian logic is almost always wrong.

According to the popular logic, members of the traffic police are mostly not required to have high IQ. Ben Shapiro is not a member of the traffic police, ergo Ben Shapiro might be required to have high IQ.

Having high IQ does not necessarily means that someone wise as well, consequently Ben Shapiro is not necesserily wise as well, in the case he has higher than average IQ, which is not proven but likely or not likely.

Or, members of the traffic police are indeed required to have higher than average IQ, going through several tests in order to deal with the complexity of the always growing numbers of the cars on the roads.

For Ben Shapiro is not a member of the traffic police, ergo he is not necessarily required to have higher than average IQ, in the case when the traffic police indeed requires higher than average IQ from its members in order to deal with the growing complexity of the traffic in metropolitan areas.

People serving in the traffic police force and the people not serving in the traffic police force belong to two differerent social categories where logically they are not connected on such a level, that one may be able to reach a conclusion about the necessity or the unnecessity of higher or the not higher than averege IQ.

However, people, who are not serving in the traffic police force, are still frenquently part of the ever growing traffic problems, thus the two groups are frenquently interact with each other, which frequent interactions may have a balancing effect on the statistical results of their respective IQ tests.

It can be assumed, that Ben Shapiro and the traffic police are two different bubble universes, thus statistics as a science does not fully apply here, even Mr. Shapiro may occasionally participate in the traffic flow and occasionally interacts with the traffic police, and these interactions may have a balancing effects on both parties, statistically and respectively.

Same with the ChatGPT platform, where Ben bragged that he beat the AI machine.
(Ben Shapiro breaks AI chatbot)

By definition machines are stupid clankers, because the complexity of the universe is not calculable, thanks to God.

Nonetheless, the first and most pivotal question in his video was that how tall Ben Shapiro is?

Ben was bragging on the Youtube, that his answer was correct and the AI Chatbot was mistaken, however he is wrong with that,  because the only possibly right answer to the question of how tall Ben Shapiro is, is the following:
Who the hell cares?
Except a clearly narcissistic someone, that cares publicly about that on the Youtube.

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