10th ANNIVERSARY INTERVIEW. Either the pope is profoundly mistaken again or he has his own imperial agenda. Both are hardly acceptable, ex officio, though nothing better is expected from a Jesuit. This is the Jesuit normal.

wikipedia – RSI – Radiotelevisione svizzera di lingua italiana

Either the pope is profoundly mistaken again or he has his own imperial agenda. Both are hardly acceptable, ex officio, though nothing better is expected from a Jesuit. This is the Jesuit normal.

He gave an interview to the RSI, the Italian Swiss Radio and Television, which was broadcasted on March 12, 2023, according to the Vatican News Agency. https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2023-03/pope-francis-10-anniversary-interview-swiss-radio-tv-pontificate.html

As usual the Pope happened to say his habitual silly nonsenses, which from an other person at least should be credited to utter naivity. However, the grown up ass celibate of the Roman rite Christianity does not have or should not have this excuse, thus he should be blamed with major errors in judgment or worse, like having an agenda.

Nonetheless, he is right in that, when he is saying that what we have now is already somewhat a world war, however regarding Putin, relativizing Putin`s role and responsibility in the invasion and the war crimes, he said, that ” I would speak to him as clearly as I speak in public. He is an educated man. On the second day of the war I went to the Russian embassy at the Holy See to say that I was willing to go to Moscow if Putin would give me a window to negotiate. (…) Putin knows I am available. But there are imperial interests there, not only of the Russian empire, but of empires elsewhere. “

Thus, the Pope continues to give excuses to the invader, willing to go to sit down at the table of the state terrorist and child killer ex-KGB agent tyrant, blaming the war, at least partially, on the other empires.

As if the Vatican had not been an empire by itself with it’s own fiscal money grabbing and global interests.

But what else can be expected? In the last 1700 years, since Constantine the Great and Theodosios the Great in 325 and 380 CE respectively had broken the remaining spine of Christianity, Christianity became from an almost underground movement, a state cult, nationalized by the Empire.

Having major education in a seminary, conditioned by the Jesuit Order and spending a lifetime in the Roman hierarchy can be more than burdening on someone’s soul. Thus, we might have compassion on Jorge’s flaws. Still, his handling of the problems, domestic and external, does not help humanity too much to find peaceful domestic and peaceful global solutions.

Nonetheless, people over 80 should not  serve in public offices. The former guy was wise enough or forced enough to resign. According to the known Jesuit policy, Jesuits do not retire. Too bad.

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