What Mr. Pope was saying in his Lenten Message 2023  was a pagan and gibberish drivel, obviously driven by an occult obsession, that the human sacrifice of a late political prisoner of Rome, called Jesus, is the cure of the collective and individual human wickedness, which is the most pagan and scandalous conviction of all and an abomination to God, as it is written, that : “The sacrifice made by the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, but the prayer of the upright is his delight. “Proverbs:15:8


pixabay pic – Colosseum, built from the looted treasure of the Jerusalem Temple, by Vespasian and Titus. May their memory stay cursed.

What Mr. Pope was saying in his Lenten Message 2023  was a gibberish drivel, obviously driven by an occult obsession, that the human sacrice of a late political prisoner of Rome, called Jesus, is the cure of the collective and individual human wickedness, which is the most pagan and scandalous conviction of all and an abomination to God, as it is written, that : “The sacrifice made by the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, but the prayer of the upright is his delight.”

“They came to the place which God had told him of. Abraham built the altar there, and laid the wood in order, bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar, on the wood. Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to kill his son. The angel of the Lord called to him out of the sky, and said, ‘Abraham, Abraham!’ He said, ‘Here I am.’ He said, ‘Don’t lay your hand on the boy, neither do anything to him.’ “
Genesis 22:9-12

It is hard to believe that the Jesuit Pope genuinely believes in his Lenten message to the letter, that what he is saying is true according to his limited knowledge. It is hard to believe, because he is parroting millennia old lies in his Lenten message, sentence by sentence from the title to the signature line.

The best case scenario is that he is merely mistaken or having a genuine error in judgment, because the worst case scenario is that he knowingly and deliberately feeds the crowd with old lies in order to keep the multibillion dollar enterprise running, namely the Vatican, broadly the profit-oriented Roman Catholic brainwash industry.

Let us begin with the title.

Message of the Holy Father term is anachronistic, because nobody, who is a human person, must be called a spiritual father. It is a spiritual oxymoron, as Jesus warned the disciples that “Call no man on the earth your father, for one is your Father, he who is in heaven.” Matthew 23:9
It means that if in the middle of a sentence the capital letter Father refers to a human person, then it is a blasphemy, and nothing less.

The headline reads Lenten Penance. The last thing what the Vatican used to do is penance, because century after century it repeats its same systematical and institutional sins, among them idolatry and worshipping the Mammon are not the least. Even if it did some partial penance here and there, it would not count,  as it is written, that “He who turns away his ear from hearing the law of Moses, even his prayer is an abomination.” Proverbs 28:9
Hypocrisy and penance are not exchangable.

The Christian Lenten seasonal notion of fasting comes from the deliberate effort to make Jesus larger than life by depicting him to repeat the forty days fasting of Moses.
Steeling Moses or listening to Moses are not the same thing. The whole forty days and forty nights fasting idea was copied from the Torah, as it is written that Moses “was there with God forty days and forty nights; he neither ate bread, nor drank water. He wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the ten commandments.” Exodus 34:28

Some secular Jewish thinkers assumed that printing the Bible in almost all languages, (mostly a Protestant achievement), ironically helped the Jewish Torah and the Hebrew Scriptures disseminate all over the World. Yes, it is somewhat true.

However, technically the church claims ownership   not only over the New Testament, but over the Hebrew Scriptures as well, which is a cultural appropriation de facto, but it could be also characterized as spiritual robbery.

The transfiguration story in the Gospels, when God’s presence allegedly descended in a cloud to the mountain, has the same agenda of copying and superseding Moses. Of course, it is written, that “Moses entered into the midst of the cloud, and went up on the mountain; and Moses was on the mountain forty days and forty nights.”
Exodus 24:18

The poor Pope of the poor church for the poor, as that was his election slogan, is bleating about the transfiguration of Jesus, which obviously never happened.

There must be a clear distinction made when we read stories about Jesus, that a hagiographic fairy tale about him and the historical facts on the ground hugely differ. We do not really know what Jesus really said, what he really did, what he really thought, because the Gospel stories are mythical accounts and they blatantly lie.

Thus, all information about Jesus we assume to know come from a bulvar newspaper called the Good News or New Testament. It is a bulvar paper indeed, because it uses exaggeration, legends, absolute fairy tales, twisting quotes from the Hebrew Scriptures, occasionally completely making up non extant, but supposed to be authentic quotes. Also occasionally the authors just made up full stories out of mere imagination, though driven from a background agenda.

One of the stories is the transfiguration event, when allegedly Jesus took three of his disciples to the top of a mountain.
In his Lenten Message the pope micro-lectured on the transfiguration story, merely because “The Gospel of the Transfiguration is proclaimed every year on the second sunday of Lent.”

The whole papal microlecture is completely bogus, of course, aiming indoctrination by a rotten doctrine-basket, especially regarding the doctrines of the first seven ecumenical councils, which doctrines are not only false, but it is historically proven that they caused major distresses for humanity during the last two millennia, including the so called 30 years war, from 1618-1648, fought in Europe, between the Catholics and the Protestants. According to the estimations of the researchers, around half of the population of Germany perished during this Europe-wide war of religion. And this was only just one lenghty event among the innumerable.

Our dear Pope in his lovely message had two proposals.
Papal proposal one: “The voice from the cloud says: “Listen to him” (Mt 17:5). The first proposal, then, is very clear: we need to listen to Jesus. “

Really? The Jesus guy has been dead since two millennia. When someone keeps talking to an invisible friend, that phenomenon has a medical category, called delusion.

Papal proposal number two in the last paragraph before the letter-ending is too messy and unorganized, but maybe this is what he finally meant: “Let us go down, then, to the plain, and may the grace we have experienced strengthen us to be `artisans of synodality` in the ordinary life of our communities.”

Why on Earth the Pope, the top pinpoint on the top of the hierarchy would dare to talk about synodality, with a straight face? The Vatican and the Jesuit Order are among the last places on Earth, which would resemble a democracy, let alone a religious one. The Roman Catholic Church, the ultimate heir of the Roman Empire with its pyramid structure, is still headed by its emperor, called the Pope, still claimed as infallible.

The ending of the letter is hardly goes better. Without any shame it states that it was written among the rebuilt ruins of the ancient Rome, the same Rome, which sentenced Jesus to torture and death, the same Rome, which destroyed the Temple of God in Jerusalem, the same Rome, which literally erased the Holy City, the same Rome which killed the Jews by the millions, enslaved the Jews by the millions, exiled the Jews by the millions.

The ending of the Lenten Message also states that it was written on the Feast Day of Saint Paul. Of course, why not to choose a murderer, blood stained inquisitor for an icon of the Lenten Season, as the Jerusalem conregation, called The Way, all extremely strict and Torah observant Jews, led by James the brother of Jesus, addressed Paul as a liar and a traitor and an apostate. Nice letter marking, it is, indeed.

Nonetheless, the signature is even worse. Who the hell is Francis? Like Saint Francis from Assissi, at least was somebody. Taking the name of a real saint, that is again a shameless religious appropriation, taking credit of someone else, openly or by hinting, meanwhile his name is Jorge Bergoglio, the Roman (Italian Argentinian).

May he learn better, as his Lenten Message is an unorganized farrago. May he live long and prosper in order to have a chance to learn better. We pray for him.

May the Master of the Universe be blessed.

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