Miscellaneous 11. What is real and what is not, hard to tell. Certainly the Real Madrid looks like a solid institution, but some insist that it is a reality show only, the real deal is the Real Sociedad. Still pretension and holograms can be confused with commemorative display. Graphical User Interfaces are not always visible, and command line instructions can be lost in the decoding processes.


What is real and what is not, hard to tell. Certainly the Real Madrid looks like a solid institution, but some insist that it is a reality show only, the real deal is the Real Sociedad.

Still pretension and holograms can be confused with commemorative display. Graphical User Interfaces are not always visible, and command line instructions can be lost in the decoding processes.

Hard earned disloyalty goes both ways in a maze of passion and overheated tension of Greek dramas of criminal clans in the newly built conglomerate centers of the New World.

Power grids and influence zones are calculating trajectory and orbital capabilities of space war machinery, laser fire supression and robotic intelligence. Nonetheless, at moonshone midnights, the Sun can not steel the show.

Clairvoyants and psychics, professional cursers and evil eye darters opened the spiritual warfare trench fight with a lot of fanfare, but hardly with any gains.

Artillery School Sophomores whish to be extinct, as only seniors are able to graduate with extinction. Unfortunately, once, Napoleon Bonaparte was one of them. His success rate heavily depended on ballistics, like having balls, and on grape shot, like losing civility.

Centipedes are almost never in the center of anything, just as Holy Mary was not too holy to have at least three husbands. The first one was Jesus organic father, probabely executed by Herod, the second one was Joseph the cover up story guy, and the third one, possibly the younger brother of Joseph, called Alpheus, the possible father of Jesus`s siblings.

The body is like a frontal proposition, life is hidden inside, in the core of the soul, just like the Korean Spirit in downtown Seoul.

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