Miscellaneous 9. Johnny Weissmuller became Tarzan at the age of 28.  Many of his fan vented that they thought that he was born Tarzan, but he was not even born as an American.  It was not his fault, that he was born in Hungary, in an ethnic German village, as everybody has to be born somewhere, at least sooner or later. 


Johnny Weissmuller became Tarzan at the age of 28. Many of his fan vented that they thought that he was born Tarzan, but he was not even born as an American. It was not his fault, that he was born in Hungary, in an ethnic German village, as everybody has to be born somewhere, at least sooner or later.

Then he was gradually but thoroughly naturalized in America, growing up in Chicago, which was itself a real jungle, swimming as a kid in the pools of the YMCA filled with crocodile tears and village people from Eastern Europe.
Of course, then Hollywood sent him to the Potemkin jungle set up in a film studio or in Acapulco.

Vegatarianism can boost your morale, and it can make you a faster swimmer. It was publicly declared as J.W. sticked to the Kellog’s holystic diet. One thing is certain, that he broke his own swimming records with that or without that diet, albeit it is hard to tell what was the ultimate reason. According to Herbert Spencer it is unknowable.

Plato said it almost, that suddenly everybody swims faster thrown into a shark tank, but it does not usually make sharks vegan. Nevertheless, meanwhile in the Potemkin jungle even the breakfast cereal was fake, in the hotel run by Kellog, flake cereal was served, and it was a blatant difference.

Also hardly anybody knew, that just like his secret admirer, Arnold “Blackened Eggs” Schwarzenegger, JW had a serious heart problem. Nonetheless, it should not have surprised anyone, for he had consumed five wives, or rather the five wives consumed him. That made him a good Samaritan.

Quote:  Jesus said to her, “Go, call your husband, and come here.” The woman answered, “I have no husband.” Jesus said to her, “You said well, ‘I have no husband,’ for you have had five husbands; and he whom you now have is not your husband. This you have said truly.” The woman said to him, “Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet.”

Gospel of John 4:16-19

For a while, JW’s  diet mentor, mr. Kellog thought that Ellen G. White was a prophet, but it did not last for long, and mr. Kellog was promptly excommunicated from the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Good for both of them, because mr. Kellog was an idiot eugenist, and the SDA Church founders were a bunch of lunatics.

Everybody is vulnerable, and that is a cliche. Cliches are profoundly true. JW, five times olympic gold medal winner, broke his hip and leg in the same time. It happened at the age of 70, thus the US marine did not consider it as draft dodging, especially that the Vietnam war had already ended.

It can not be established that he coined the term of self-nepotism, albeit he was inducted into the International Swimming Hall of Fame in 1965 after becoming its founding chairman, though not entirely without tangible merits. He got also a star in the Hollywood Walk of Fame among thousands of others. The ten million yearly visiting tourists could not care less walking over them saying that their memory is beneath us.

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