Oracle 38. From popes one is too many in office.  The office, itself, should have been disbanded long, long ago, which had been already gone for good in a far, far away galaxy, called modesty and equity. For long years we had had two popes.  An emeritus old and an active old. The emeritus was forced once into the Luftwaffe as a teen soldier.



From popes one is too many in office. The office, itself, should have been disbanded long, long ago, which had been already gone for good in a far, far away galaxy, called modesty and equity.
For long years we had had two popes. An emeritus old and an active old.
The emeritus was forced once into the Luftwaffe as a teen soldier.

Later, because why not, he became the head of the Roman Inquisition or gibberish politely the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition or more recently the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, but even this latter name of the for centuries dreaded Inquisition changed to Dicastery of whatever in 2022 June.

The palpatine looking once pope then emeritus, called the German guy, though keeping his red shoes, obviously was chased by unseen forces like the secret societies within and outside of the church, his whatever consciousness and conscience, and he just resigned in the that time of the heat of the moment, but thanks God.

Although most popes died in the office, wanted or unwanted dead or alive by the corporate powers, the active pope just resigned as well a couple of months ago, putting his conditional resignation into writing, in the case of an illness rendering him incapable to exercise his duties. He said it in an interview, that he thinks, nonetheless, that being a pope is a life time office. He also added, that he sees no reason why it should not be so.

Actions and promises and statements are usually not the same thing in Rome, especially from a Jesuit point of view, but it still always draws some amazement and amusement when they do it in a single paragraph. Facts are not religious by nature, they say for a fact. However, all good or bad things must have an end somehow and sometime.

SO, according to Nostradamus, who might be a very vague witness of the future, it may happen, that during WW3, which is now, of course, the reigning pope will either die before his real time or will see the destroyed and burning Rome or both.

Thus, maybe retiring would be a sensible option, especially when it is almost obvious, that the Vatican heeds very much the so called St. Malachy prophecy, when it comes to the election of popes, as the emeritus guy was identifiably the pope of the olives.

So this Pope, who is according to the St.Malachy prophecy is Peter the Roman, (Italian descent) is either the very last Pope or the last but one Pope before the utter devastation of Rome will occur by the enemy troops.

Nonetheless, without any prophecy, it is easy to tell, that these are the endtimes, when the last two popes, who filled the papal throne, came from the two most questionable and eerie organizations of the premodern church, the Inquisition and the Jesuit order.

May the bad days never come, may the Almighty God help us all, when they do.

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