Miscellaneous 7. Renegades rule the commercialized air, when nothing is off limit When raped and violated guns rally for imaginary relief When money became a delusion in the digital gold mine Where everyone is accountable without a real cause and care.

Oliver Hardy, 1938 – wikipedia

Renegades rule the commercialized air, when nothing is off limit
When raped and violated guns rally for imaginary relief
When money became a delusion in the digital gold mine
Where everyone is accountable without a real cause and care.

The BMW owned Rolls Royce’s Spectre is finally fully electric
Galvanized flintstones drive its powertrain crazy in Essex, though
Shaved Mammoth Buddhas contemplate about its perfection
In its shape, design, eccentric quality and its exclusion of the poor.

Ignatius Loyola denied icecream from its estranged followers
He allowed them zero calorie icecubs in order to assimilate them
Into the order, where resistance is futile, to obey is advisable
Meanwhile Argentina is still weeping for the missing thirty silvers.

Ganymedes had to invent the talking mirror as he was so picky, that
He wanted to talk only to himself, but he was forced by Zeus
To give the Cretans an exuse, why not be a family man, but else
So the world may learn that the ancient Greek were wrong and bad.

Zeus was kicked out from the Jerusalem Temple by vigor and virtue
Though an oil crisis threatened the rebirth of a valiant nation
Who learned to fight the blasphemous enemy even on Shabbat
Albeit many of its priesthood took the charter flight to Egypt.

The stratosphera is hardly an era of Oliver Hardy the brave
Though the skyscrapers blocked the sun and the heavens already
His generation learned to move the pictures with great stoicism
When the century became a repugnant mother of the tablet twins.

Aztec, originally, was spelled AzSteak and was a pyramide manufacturer
Sued by the reptile competitors for breaching patagonian patents
Latent court ruled that the lactose intolerant does not have a say
How to milk the meek and lowly until the order stays.

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