Miscellaneous 6. Intellectual debate means doubts.  No doubts debates are emotional debates.  Facts are unverifiable, says Kant, who was not a mathematician, but an influencer. We have to reestablish the integrity of the integer numbers, otherwise the imagined Euler chaos prevails.


Intellectual debate means doubts.  No doubts debates are emotional debates. 
Facts are unverifiable, says Kant, who was not a mathematician, but an influencer.
We have to reestablish the integrity of the integer numbers, otherwise the imagined Euler chaos prevails.

Robotics is a revolt against the tyranny of the mother-in laws, launched by the union of unionized daughter-in-laws. It does not help that most of the recent mother-in laws were once daughter-in-laws to whom cosmology meant a self-centered universe, and that the great-grandfathers of somebody else’s were once soldiers and were also once young.

Localized world war tries hard to justify the means, like we do what we can and not what we must, as hope does not commit suicide unless in a hopeless situation, where then we have to sitrep the effectuation of the Hopi Prophecy out of the blue. There is no greater love when someone understands that he was not born to be loved but to love, and then he acts upon his understanding.

Mental grandiosity is always a part of a diagnosis, where the telekinesis is not explored as an option to get rid of the non-wanted amount of body-hair. Under to table there is nothing else than the darkness of the black market, which does not recognize Ezekiel as a prophet, nor Moses as a Pharaoh. Nonetheless bold people often go bald.

Overloaded opinions are the new standards, depicted on banners and flown on flagpoles, since Poland had been invaded by the Nazis and their allies, by the Soviets in the same time.
Exactly the same happened in 1795, when Prussia, Austria and Russia divided the full territory of Poland among themselves. These three vultures, in 1815, created the so called Holy Alliance (which according to the wikipedia) “aimed to restrain liberalism and secularism in Europe in the wake of the devastating French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars, and it nominally succeeded in this until the Crimean War.”
Nothing new on Earth!

Reactor reacts, reenactors reenact.
Both activities are futile. Nuclear family is a renegation of society, a forced clamp on life.
Fake organic is not better than lab made food, even when they originate from the wet market.
Protein bars must stay behind bars, lawyers should tear them down, not join them.
Legislations are not legit if they legislate evil.

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