Mocking 6.  Mocking of Nikola Tesla.  He was a natural, but he became naturalized only in 1891. He was an ideal immigrant, for through the crossing of the ocean as a passenger he fixed the failing engine of the ship, which carried him to America.

wikipedia: a young man in an ugly suit

Mocking of Nicolai Tesla.

Born to ethnic Serbian parents, living in Croatia, he was a born Austrian citizen, had attended college in German and in Czehian, dropped out from school as a draftman, had worked in Budapest for Tivadar Puskas, then by the help of Puskas had worked for Edison in Paris.

He was a natural, but he became naturalized only in 1891.

He was an ideal immigrant, for during the crossing of the ocean as a passenger he had fixed the failing engine of the ship, which carried him to America.

Padawan Tesla had a brilliant Master, Tivadar Puskas, a Hungarian genius, inventor of the telephone exchange, who also produced a lot of light, especially in Paris.

Tesla was a sworn enemy of Einstein’s theories, especially he hated the idea of the supposedly curved space. Ironically, his ashes, after his cremation, were/are kept in a golden plated sphere closing around a curve shaped space.

He did not attend a Waldorf school, but got evicted from a Waldorf Hotel in New York through a series of heated arguments about hills of lousy pigeon excrement and unpaid hotel bills.

He had never accepted the Newtonian view of gravity, neither Einstein’s alternative explanation. He demanded that gravity is something dynamic, based on his experiment, that when he threw 22 healthy pigeons out of his window in the Waldorfs hotel, none of them fell to the ground with the speed of the free fall. Quite the opposite, they dynamically flew away in the direction of a nearby restaurant.

He was never married, but he had a lover, with whom he did a lot of billing and cooing, especially because his lover was literally a pigeon.

He befriended Mark Twain, who was mesmerized and shocked by the electric hocus-pocus of Tesla, called experiments.

An other friend of him was Swami Vivekanenda, a chubby hobby monk, a Hindu aristocrat by origin. The skin and bone drain-pipe Tesla admired Swami the Windbag for being a monk and still chubby and getting away with it.

Although practically Tesla was an atheist, denying the immortality of the soul,  believing in eugenics on Earth and that the material universe always existed and it will not cease to exist, still he became a vegetarian probably invoking Prophet Isaiah that ” Butter and honey shall he eat, when he knows to refuse the evil, and choose the good. “
Isaiah 7:1

At the age of 81 in 1937, Tesla had a collision with a taxicab. Thanks God, Tesla did not caught on fire, however Tesla sustained significant damages in the stiffening braces.

Most people are afraid to die alone. Nikola Tesla put a do not disturb tag on his hotel room doorknob. The roomservice maid came two days later, and she was not the Canadian MAID.

According to Tesla, the soul dies with the ceasing body functions, but he was wrong. Since then he had to be reborn. And he did indeed reincarnate. In cars.

According to the wiki: “Two days later (after he died) the Federal Bureau of Investigation ordered the Alien Property Custodian to seize Tesla’s belongings.

John G. Trump, a professor at M.I.T. and a well-known electrical engineer serving as a technical aide to the National Defense Research Committee, was called in to analyze the Tesla items.”

TRUMP everywhere.

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