Newsmax TV was spreading fake news last Easter  (2022), (too). This fake news was that Jesus is or was risen. It is fake news, because Jesus was not risen. He is a skeleton somewhere in the Middle East, probably in Pella in Jordan, died in old age, meanwhile his brother James was beaten to death, and an other brother of him, Simeon of Jerusalem was crucified on the order of Emperor Traianus.


Newsmax TV was spreading fake news last Easter  (2022), (too). This fake news was that Jesus is or was risen. It is fake news, because Jesus was not risen. He is a skeleton somewhere in the Middle East, probably in Pella in Jordan, died in old age, meanwhile his brother James was beaten to death, and an other brother of him, Simeon of Jerusalem was crucified on the order of Emperor Traianus.

Watch “Of course, the Left tries to twist this: Jenna Ellis “

Usually, the Newsmax accuses the other side in the trenches of the postmodern cultural warfare with being blindly biased and fatally contaminated by neomarxism. That is somewhat not explicitly untrue or completely unfounded.

However, bigotry does not recognize trench borders, and it just lurks around everywhere, then strikes sinners and saints, as well, almost equally. Fake news are fake news everywhere, from left and right, and especially the Gospels are Fake Good News, because Jesus the man had not risen, but likely survived the crucifixion naturally and painfully, or not at all.

News Channels should stick to the news or to the facts. Maybe, it is too much to ask of them, as there are no independent news outlets out there or almost anywhere on Earth. However, spreading religious superstitions should not be their turf.

So, what would have been better news journalism, they might have thought at the Newsmax around last Easter, than to ask Jenna Ellis, an ex-attorney of the assumably  most Revered Trump, that in the recent difficult times “how people can find hope in the message of Easter?”

Jenna Ellis was not shy to proclaim the Gospel, like a parrot, trained to recite that ” The message of the Easter is the literal truth of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God.” My foot, the statement stinks of mindless indoctrination.

Beside that Jesus was not the Son of God, this is the very case, where even the question is false, moreover misleading. Hope in itself a very strange phenomenon. You can not eat it or drink it or manifest it into immediate housing of the homeless.

Hope is a kind of a blind groping of one’s way, and definitely not an urgent action plan to deal with fate and calamities, offering real steps to eradicate poverty. Thus, although at least providing of some hope might be important, it is still not the main thing what one should want from Easter, which is to solve the real problems in a battered society.

However, the systematic and particular problem with the Easter event, aka the Resurrection of Jesus, is, that it had never ever happened. It is a mind-altering agenda lie, called a myth.
The indoctrination of a person, in order to be able to say anything like this with a straight face, may take years or decades.

With glowing zeal, Ellis added that “we believe in the truth as evidenced in Scripture. It is the historicity of the Bible, its historical fact as evidenced in Scripture, and its the literal, total truth of what God teaches. And because of that truth we can have hope, that no matter how bad the world gets, no matter how frustrated we get at the news cycle, we can have eterrnal hope in the person of God, because he teaches us the truth, he offers us a free gift of salvation true faith in him.”

The Bible is not a chronology collection, not a history course, it had never aimed historical accuracy, it was a religious  framework about the Israelites becoming a nation.

Again, in her parroted doctrines there is a systematic and profound fake information, technically an ancient nest of fibs lies there, demonstrating the major domain problem of world Christianity, and it is that the New Testament is not Holy Scriptures, it is faked good news. Textbook, it is for sure, but not Scriptures, especially not holy Scriptures.

Jesus is not God, he was not resurrected from the dead, he had a biological father, his mom was not a virgin, he was sentenced to death by the Romans for a political reason, he did not invent Christianity, but Paul did it in Syria (Antiochia).

If this thing can happen in a News TV at Easter, then what will happen at Christmas? They will proclaim the perpetual virginity of Mary or what? Ridiculous, at least in a News Program.

However, next Christmas, they have a choice to talk about an other fairy tale, about Santa with the elves, as they will be coming to town from the North Pole. Similar credibility, as Santa ( Nicholas of Myra ) was originally a real Greek Orthodox bishop from the middle of the 3rd century, so was Jesus originally a Jew from Galilee.

Although the business plans behind both stories are pretty solid, profiting well, still the efforts, aiming indoctrination, are quite questionable, and they should be questioned. At least regarding Santa there is the always tormenting parental question floating in every American home, that when we should tell the kids that the North Pole Santa is not real?

Similar question should be asked regarding Jesus as well. When will the churchgoers realize that the Gospels are made up stories, fairy tales, called hagiographia?

We do not know when Jesus was born, who was his father, what he said and did exactly, because all is just hearsay, and he did not write a word, himself. His genealogy charts were obviously fabricated, most of his miracles are merely fictional.

The historical personality of Jesus is covered with many layers of arbitrary and mythological wrapping. Only one thing looks certain that he had not been a Christian for a single second, but an observing Jew.

Thus, “Mr. Bean” might have been closer to the truth than all the evangelicals in the US and elsewhere combined, by saying that sorry Christians, the Jews were right.

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