Oracle 10. Sombrero and beard do not make you a sage vice versa Neither a sack robe makes you humble in a Hummer. When Heavy Metal thundered over head bangers Goliath took a dump like an urbanized gorilla.

wikipedia: Boris Godunov

Sombrero and beard do not make you a sage vice versa
Neither a sack robe makes you humble in a Hummer
When Heavy Metal thundered over head bangers
Goliath took a dump like an urbanized gorilla.

Dagon fell before the Ark, designed in Egypt
Nothing helps on Judgment Day, but blowing the nose
Buttressed buttheads are not tougher just dumber
Dampening fields help hide real teeth across the lines.

There are no borders in nature except pee marks
Territorial rights are made up casus belly to fight for
Everybody is hungry, even the plants and the viruses
Chanting zebras, talking lights might be freaks.

Frightening scenes are designed to be holographic
Two dimensions can not fret and fume at Halloween
San Miguel used to be popular in Manila and around
San Fernando is his friend, but not too close for sure.

Kota Kinabalu is alive, more alive than Matrix Jesus
That is not too hard, since Jesus is a skeleton somewhere
In the night club they celebrate Maria, but an other one
Though the mood is solemn enough for everyone.

Rockets are not rocket science. They are just rockets
The calculations to make them accurately fly
That is rocket science, but it is not relevant
As rockets are so slow, that they are late from everywhere.

It is hardly believable that Tsiolkovsky earned a salary and
Boris Godunov the Tatar saved Moscow from the Tatars
Paradoxes are the building blocks of the universities
For real questions are important, meanwhile the answers keep changing.

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