Oracle 9. Waxworks versus straw dogs is West versus East. Kathy combs her ratty hair in the murky catacombs. Little Red Riding Hood was riding on Robin’s back. Richard the Lionheart fell for the Sphinx’s hat.

Andromeda Galaxy (

Waxworks versus straw dogs is West versus East
Kathy combs her ratty hair in the murky catacombs
Little Red Riding Hood was riding on Robin’s back
Richard the Lionheart fell for the Sphinx’s hat.

Stranglers in the night established a strange guild
Without guilt and without remorse and shame
Rome is mocking Jerusalem, putting up the cross
Custer was a mass-murderer, not a ballet dancer.

Dauphins are choked, chuckling at the blokes
It is really shocking that the shock therapy lived
Venceremos was rather a lie than a wishful wish
Where the Shining Path ended, civilization returned.

A ladybug bugs me all the time begging me to be
Spotless and perfect, sporting wings and life
In order to not let perpetual hangovers take over
Liver and liberties by pushing libertarian madness.

Why am I here? It is obviously a punishment.
Joining a penal colony can be a sentence or
Penitence. Well merited torture of the wicked
Or measured amendments of the repentant.

I have to earn my one way ticket to Heaven.
Otherwise I will fall to Earth again and again
Though I had more than enough, no wonder.
I am not marvelled anymore by the world order.

Socrates was a victim, Seneca was a useful idiot
Jesus was a throne claimant and a half Jewish dude
Nothing new is there under the Sun and the Moon
The New Moon is an optical illusion for the fool.

The killers will be chained, the ruthless will be ruled
The proud will be ridiculed, the secrets will be told
The Islands will be under water, brains will be salted
The insulted gods will strike back, plans will unfold.

May the true Judge be blessed.
May we find our ways to the stars.

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