Jordan Peterson is urging people to attend church. With all his snobby psycho education, that is quite a radical idea from him. He used to blame the left for virtue signalling, and he is doing the mirror same. His logic is theologically so uneducated, that he should have some scholarly shame to touch a subject he hardly have any knowledge about, like religion.

Jordan Peterson:Why should you go to church?

Jordan Peterson is urging people to attend church. With all his snobby psycho education, that is quite a radical idea from him. He used to blame the left for virtue signalling, and he is doing the mirror same. His logic is theologically so uneducated, that he should have some scholarly shame to touch a subject he hardly have any knowledge about, like religion.

It is understandable that he has unanswered questions beyond the realm of psychology, which is a scientific but goofy discipline and unable to answer the important questions, like our origins, meaning and purpose of life etc. He met with the phenomenon of awe and about it he used to say that I do not know, what it is about, which is at least genuine sounding, though whiny.

He ended up with Christianity to feed his awe consumption. He had chosen one of the worst denominations to appreciate, and it is the Byzantine Greek Orthodoxy. If you hear the word Byzantine, it should be bearing the burden of cesaro-tyranny, where the emperor was the official head of the church, and the  patriarchs wear goldened crowns as well.

It is an utter spiritual nonsense of sinful syncretism of the ancient Greek polytheism with Apostle Paul’s antijudaist doctrines, not even mentioning the formative influence of the Roman version Mithraism originated in Persia.

Jordan’s awe gluttony is technically a spiritial drug addiction, just like his hopefully cured chemical addiction to benzodiazepines (may he be well and healthy.)

Attending church can indeed be health-wise beneficial because socialization is a must for mental health and psychosomatic issues, however, as it is parallel with education, especially with public education, some rules should be there to regulate the methods and the content of teaching in order to shield the population from excessive manipulation, brainwashing, schemes and exploitation.

The world Christianity is not able to shake off the aura of its syncretic polytheism from its very face, that is why Christianity is an idolatry by definition. Attending Christian churches is a form of idol worship. It is not a secret, it is a wide open reality.

Even a Calvinist catechism, the so called Heidelberg Catechism, published in Germany in 1563, says in its 80th Q & A that ” Thus the Mass is basically nothing but a denial of the one sacrifice and suffering of Jesus Christ and a condemnable idolatry.”

The irony is that the Calvinist condemnation of the Catholic mass is also an idolatry itself  according to the Trinitarian bigotry of Calvinism, which worships Jesus the man as God, and that is a blatant idolatry, of course.

However, maybe fortunately, the general population do not really care about doctrines,  because the belief system became interwoven with culture and many times even with ethnicity, thus religious expression became a part of the exlusive or inclusive culture and often of the pure nationalism of the majority or / and the minority groups in society.

Although the Bible says, that you shall not commit idolatry, it does not matter, because the flock follow not the doctrines but the social patterns of traditional bigotry like habitual culture and blindfolded nationalism.

At least these patterns give a little shield against brainwashing doctrines, nonetheless this shielding is not adequate enough, as we can see in this video clip where Jordan Peterson (nickname: Whining Windbag or Jordan W. W. Peterson), quoted, seemingly with a supporting tone, a thought of capital doltishness from Jung, that although  the miracle filled mysteries in Christianity can not be scientifically explained like the Virgin Birth, the miracles, the Resurrection and alike, still we should leave them unbothered, because they are important myths to sustain the very much socially needed mystery.

Continuing the quote he is almost histerically alluding (together with Jung ) to that :

“First of all if we remove the mystieries nothing will be left in Christianity that an awkward social justice activism, and we have more than enough of these activities nowadays, he said, quotingly and supportively. Secondly, if we do not know,  with what exactly we can substitute them after the removal of them, then it is better not to touch the myths and the mysteries.”

This framework of supporting delusional myths is very problematic. It is latently atheistic and moreover even antisemitic in the sense of the so called supersessionism, that whatever important role in redemption the Jews had in the past, the Christian Church took it over.

Let us say that from the Bible we remove the Virgin Birth, the alleged miracles of Jesus, the redeeming and sacrificial crucifixion of Jesus, the alleged  resurrection of Jesus and all the narcissistic boasting of the Apostle Paul, then Windbag Condescending Air-Headed Jordan Peterson should see that the reminder is the Hebrew Scriptures and Judaism.

If he can not see that, we should pray for him that may the G-d of Israel remove the Byzantine blindfold from both of his eyes, blinded also by awe gluttony.

Bound by his atheist pscycho education, he frequently refers to garbage thinkers like Freud, Jung and especially Nitzsche. Until he is free from these poisonous philosophers, he will keep using the Byzantine creepy awe factory to create a kind of an “antidote”.

He is coming from very-very far, looking for meaning and purpose, having milestones like the years ago exhortation that :
Why I don’t go to church‘,

to the , “uh people should go to church”, though he obviously still did not find real answers of meaning and purpose, because Christinity was invented not to give authentic answers but to confuse the seeking, and in the first place it was explicitly created to destroy Judaism.

There might also be a mental problem, when hysterical seekers are posing as teachers and moreover prophets.

One major answer to Jordan’s questions, even regarding his personal problems, including the sicknesses of his loved ones (may the Lord of the Universe fully heal them), that there is reincarnation.

Not only that most people will be reborn to fix unfinished businesses, but we are all coming from previous lives with a lot of karmic burdens.

Read the UPANISHADS, they are not that long, hardly an hour reading. It is written also there, that behind everything there is the One, the universal and lifegiving Soul, which pervades everything, and it is present in all of us, an unchanging, omnipresent and benevolent source of all life and creation.

The ONE is the meaning and the purpose of life and the universe. Excesssive awe consumption is way better than systematic or toxic atheism, but it is still self indulgence, an addictive spiritual gluttony.

This criticism tries hard to be helpful, a reminder of the responsibility of the teachers of the public, that there is a great reward in leading people on the good path, but there is also a greater spiritual punishment for those who lead the people astray.

May the Master of the Universe enlighten the teachers.

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