Oracle 3.  No use can help you, liturgy is not a compass but a wall. Religions can not escape the power grid in the bid of power. They are part of the establishment, innocence has been lost for ever. Stoneage reflexes, feudalist habits, modernized greed still mar.


No use can help you, liturgy is not a compass but a wall
Religions can not escape the power grid in the bid of power
They are part of the establishment, innocence has been lost for ever. Stoneage reflexes, feudalist habits, modernized greed still mar.

The cabal cannibals grew complacent trampling on all
Helped by greedy dinosaurs, whose wars did not stop
In time, in space, on ground, underwater, in the air
Robotic and nanoparticle invasion is brewing in the lab.

Peace is warfare, warfare is Hell, visualized malignancy
All are subdued to the casualistic slavery of the samsara
The metempsychosis is not the goal, it is a punishment
A correctional tool, embedded in the prismatic karma.

The worst is yet to come, a global extinction level threat
Not a single cataclysm, but a chain of webs of calamities
Piled on each other as a flood of recurring looming dooms
The groom is not coming to rescue his bride, the prostitute.

Babylon must fall, though there are many counter-siegeworks built
To destroy Heaven or the memory of Heaven and God
Sanskrit is fading so is Sumerian, the Greek lost paths
Shakespeare was a woman, but needed to hide her hide.

So what is happening, it is just a moment, not the trend
We need to see the pattern, the galactical schemes
We have to look at the future as it has been already past
God is not sleeping, neither is awake in his simply being.

The One is simple enough to not be a subject of wrath
or Math or any rules the One made up to regulate
the Reincarnation of species and the recycling of ages
Where Maya is illusion, redemption is empty, as well.

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