Wisdom  Collection 42. Tutorial based washmachines put minds in the stock. Marx had been convicted for repentance, nobody knew. Freud was an animal, Jung was too naive and brute. Wonderful sunsets are stalked by scary dark knights.


Tutorial based washmachines put minds in the stock
Marx had been convicted for repentance, nobody knew
Freud was an animal, Jung was too naive and brute
Wonderful sunsets are stalked by scary dark knights.

Frivolity is never frugal, modesty dies in palaces
There is no genuine religion up from the middle classes
Marx was not right, he was far too left
Das Kapital became printed and the Manifest.

Martin Luther was a fanaticly flatulent madman
John Calvin, the father of Capitalism, was an axe-killer tyrant
Ulrich Zwingli was Swiss, and he fell on the battlefield
The Anabaptists, once, prayed for agro-revolution.

Meanwhile, the Inquisition committed genocides, and
They burned Giordano Bruno at the stake, too
Piazza de Roma never saw such an innocence
Not everything is forgiveable on Earth and in Heaven.

Kopernicus, Kepler, Galilei, Spinoza, Newton
Opened the universe to heart and mind
Deganavidah United the lonely States against kingship
Thomas Jefferson farmed a New World into life.

John Locke locked his property to exclude the Bible
Evangelical circles squared the unholy triangle
The Pilgrims founded servitude in new factories
In clans and dynasties they still rule the land and glory.

History regularly jumps over bumpy precedents
But precedents in a row establish doctrines soon
When there is a will, tyranny will harvest, while
Rickety societies are repaired by recurring wars.

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