Wisdom Collection 38. Most people are not  born wicked. But some are. Most people gradually sink into serious wickedness. But some are almost born like that.


Most people are not  born wicked. But some are.
Most people gradually sink into serious wickedness. But some are almost born like that.

Even some are almost born like that, still they have to sink gradually to become that profoundly wicked, from where the return is not possible anymore.

Still, some are almost born like that, because their soul had sunk already through a couple of lifetimes almost to the bottom, inheriting the karmic burden of many predecessors, the consequences of the sins of their many ancestors in order to become a potential predator on Earth and beyond, travelling or being chased through the wormhole highway of reincarnation.

The reincarnation is the spiritual reason why people are so different at their birth. Being born as blind or crippled, disabled or endowed, it never happens by accident or by coincidence. Everything follows the moral and the physical laws of the universe.

There are other factors like DNA and other biological or environmental circumstances, but profoundly the human birth is a universal twin products of  punishment imposed by the Judge of the souls and of being given a second chance regarding previous lives.

However, getting second chances does not go for ever, a soul can sink to hell to be tortured and it can even die.
The soul is not completely immortal, God is. God gives limited, semi-independent life to the soul, and God pulls it back to the singularity, at the end of the world.

So what is the purpose of all of these? God knows, but he knows not only always better, but he knows it all the time, and also before time began and beyond the moment when time will stop, yielding to the eternity.

Between the beginning and the end there are the infinite universes of projected illusions.
Before the beginning, there is nothing. But it is. After the end there is nothing, but it is. The beginning and the end together is one undivided, singular point, the is.

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