George Monbiot saw better days. Nowadays, he is all about the environment and the climate cliché issue, he almost stopped rebuking the elite. Too bad.


George Monbiot saw better days. Nowadays, he is all about the environment and the climate cliché issue, he almost stopped rebuking the elite. Too bad.

He used to be a Guardian columnist, which was a great newspaper to substitute toilet paper in an emergency sprint before the digitalization.

The leftist newspaper is one thing, but George was a real hero, and he is still a hero, he can not lose that part.
He is the author of the book of the “The Corporate Takeover of Britain”, which should be listed on the Roll of Honor in the Rock and Roll Rebels Hall of Fame.

Actually, almost all the silly conversations about the climate pledges of the countries miss a real point, a point, that was a personal commitment of George. There was a time when he went vegan in order to limit his personal impact on the environment.

Meanwhile the paid mouths of the politicians are filled with the foam stirred by the coal and oil bashing theater, almost nobody is falling out of their public robes to preach against animal husbandry and cattle breeding. Although this human but animal raising activity produces by methane exhaustion just as much pollution as all the cars, ships and planes on Earth, combined. Still there is an almost utter silence, about it.

George Monbiot is one of the rare public figures who hit the alarm gong regarding the dangers of the industrial scale animal husbandry. In his book, “Feral – Rewilding the land, sea and human life”
he particularly rebukes sheep farming as  “a slow-burning ecological disaster, which has done more damage to the living systems of this country than either climate change or industrial pollution. Yet scarcely anyone seems to have noticed.”

It is also astonishing, that although the Bible is very clear in its very first Book, in the Genesis (Bereshit) in the very first chapter that taking animal lives in order to eat is forbidden, yet Christianity, from Anglicans to Romans, from Greek Orthodoxy to the Lutherans, from Baptists to Methodists, ignores the written Word, which says, that God said, “Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed, which is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree, which bears fruit yielding seed. It will be your food.”

Moreover Anglicans and the elderly Jesuit in the Vatican got loud against coal and oil, but they are utterly silent on animal husbandry and cattle breeding, despite  that the methane they produce is at least four times more pollutive than the other burnt gases.

Maybe, the Vatican suggests that cows should hold back forever and never break wind.

Eating animals comes from the old sacrificial system inherited from the pagan altars, still lingering all around the world, and hardly anybody thinks that it is just wrong.

Mother Earth is still alive, but she is very sad.