Is Dr. James M. Tour an Equus Asinus? We may assume, that yes,  because he might be a capital donkey. If someone is well versed in nanorobotics, it does not mean, that someone is also an expert in religion.  – CHALLENGING –

Is James M. Tour an Equus asinus? We may assume, that yes,  because he might be a capital donkey. If someone is well versed in nanorobotics, it does not mean that someone is also an expert in religion. – challenge –

Not even, when he gives regular faith lectures as a Christian missionary superstar, who has not resurrected yet, but has been born again already.

It is a general phenomenon, backed by statistics, that great doctors and great chief scientists often find the Christian mambo-jambo convincing, often without doing their own, scientificly thorough research on the religion they joined with zeal.

The Christian story bleeds from so many wounds that anybody with some basic deductive skills, may figure it out easily, that Christianity is an arbitrary lie and it actually defames and frames an observing Jew, called Jesus, as the source of an adamant idolatry, called Christianity, albeit it was made up completely by Paul, a renegade and an apostate.

In his Christian testimony given to the One for Israel, a Christian missionary organization, after some ego boosting boasting about his scientific achievements, James M. Tour happily declares youtube-worldwide, that among everything that he did in his life ” that means the most to me that I am a Jew who believes that Jesus is the Messiah”.

There is no doubt that Dr. Tour is Jewish, being born to Jewish parents,  but that does not mean necessarily that he is not an explicitely illiteral one regarding Judaism.

Being clever in organic chemistry is technically a well proven major impediment to be also well versed in the Torah or being well educated in the Gemara, or particularly in any other religion, which requires at least a little spiritual knowledge and some independent thinking.

If one is busy with professional science, he will not have sufficient time for deep Torah study. Anybody can do the math, it is not rocket science.

The extreme spiritual gullibility of scientists and doctors regarding cults and pseudo religions is well known and belongs to the sad mysteries of the universe.

Tour’s all amazement and zeal  regarding Jesus, are based on cheap missionary clichés including the on- the -surface- exlusively- Jesus-ish commandment regarding adultery, when Jesus allegedly says in the Gospel of Matthew in the frame of the Sermon of the Mount that ” everyone who gazes at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart. “

Tour says in his youtube testimony that nobody had told him before that this is a sin.
It is regarded by him a somewhat brand new, never heard teaching and an elevated moral stand of Jesus compared to Moses.

However, of course that gazing at women with lust is a sin, condemned in the Torah. He should have known it, meanwhile busy with biochemistry, that this can be found just right among the Ten Commandments, as it reads that ” You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”

Where even the Apostate Paul asserts that ” … I wouldn’t have known sin, except through the law (of Moses). For I wouldn’t have known coveting, unless the law (of Moses) had said, “You shall not covet.” (Romans 7:7)

This same quote answers also the claim of Dr. Tour that Rabbis and Judaism did not talk about sin. He is wrong, because transgressing the Torah, breaching the Law is sin. Repentance and making amendments are mandatory for Jews everyday, especially on Yom Kippur.
His knowledge of his own religion is sadly and heart-breakingly low, which is exactly the very reason why he fell victim of the evangelical born-again propaganda as a freshman in college.


Regarding gazing at women beside the Torah, the Rav. Sheshet says in the Gemarah (Shabbat 64b), that ” anyone who gazes upon a woman’s little finger is considered as if he gazed upon her naked genitals. ”


Being Jewish, as a status, has a doubled stand. Wisely. Somebody is Jewish, because he or she was born to a Jewish mother, thusly a member of the tribe or the Jewish nation by birth.

However, it is a huge difference, when a Jewish person by birth is also a religious one observing the Law of Moses, the Jewish Faith or not at all.
Non-observing Jews or secural Jews, are still Jewish by ethnicity, members of the tribe, but they may easily fall for an other religion, especially because they know too less of their own.

That is a disturbing or controversial status of mind,  but it means not more, than someone might have been born Jewish, which condition does not automatically mean that he knows anything about Judaism, because one has to study the Torah, and obey it.

Without a working Torah knowledge, and real Jewish religious education even a world renowned expert of nanorobotics is not able to say with any authenticity that Judaism was not good enough for me, that is why I turned to a cult of worshipping the abomination of a human sacrifice, called Christianity.

In this case James M.Tour with his Ph.D is counted as an illeteral person regarding Torah Judaism, and he is an uneducated donkey in spirituality.
It is not a surprise, his case is not an exception, rather it follows the rule of the gullible scientists.

It is sad. May G-d help him find the truth. But for G-d’s sake, James, please do a little research.

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