Mel Gibson starred Santa in the Fatman movie of 2020. It is assumed that he is or at least he should be aware of that, that it is one of the most anti-Christian role in any movies, when an actor dress up as a Hollywood Santa.

Mel Gibson starred Santa in the Fatman movie of 2020. It is assumed that he is or at least he should be aware of that, that  it is  one of the most anti-Christian role in any movies,  when an actor dress up as a Hollywood Santa.

Gorup de Besanez • CC BY-SA 3.0

It is not the Grinch who tried to steal Christmas. The Santa myth did it. Just as Easter Bunny tries to steal Easter. Deliberately of course.

It does not really matter that the Christian Christmas has never happened, as everybody knows that Jesus was not born on December 25. That was the celebration day of the Roman Sun God, called Sol Invictus, whose day is also celebrated weekly as Sunday.

To add fuel to the fire of the complexity of the issue that how consecutive waves of Santas stole or try to steel the show from Jesus, we have even to assert that at first Santa was stolen.

Sacrilegious the statement is, maybe as it sounds, that Santa Claus does exist  or at least once he did. The real question is not that at what age we should tell our kids in detective Monk style that Santa does not exist, but the much more real question is that at what age we will tell our kids that there is a real Santa Claus out there, at least he was really around in the early 3rd century, being born in the ancient Greek city Myrna  and he became a real life Christian bishop.

His goodness, magnanimity, charity was remembered for centuries, and from Bishop Nicolaus, he became Saint Nicolaus aka Santa Claus or in a Hollywood abbreviation, Santa, rain or snow, good or bad.

However the Hollywood version santa does not want to know anything about the Christian Bishop Saint Nicholas, neither acknowledge the fact that the Christmas high holiday is supposed to belong to Christ, as its very name indicates, which is not Santamas.

Although the Birthday story of the Christ child is as fabricated as the myth of the Santa and the elves, living at the North Pole, running a world class toy factory, still the Santa story is not only a bedtime fairy tale, but it aims to completely substitute the Gospel story in the universe of the secular society. It is a Santa supersessionism to erase the Christmas of Jesus.

Mel Gibson allegedly has a Passion toward the Gospel narrative, thus the issue of him becoming a fatman santa, is more than surprising, it is quite disappointing that even big mouth people are lousy in principles or in knowledge or both.

There are some other hardly acceptable parts of the movie, like accusing children for the degradation of the Christmas Spirit, and having a teenager aka a minor as the main villain and the mastermind of almost all evil in the plot. It is a very bad choice and obnoxiously poor judgment in the screenplay.

In summary, there is an unnecessarily horroristic Santa movie, mediocre acting, very dark projections regarding the santaic galaxy. There is no need to watch it, it is full of garbage.

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