You have to choose between Jesus the Jew and Christ the Greek. These Two are not the same. Jesus was a human being, Christ is a dogma.

Jesus and the Christ are not the same. Jesus was a real person, Christ was a mithological one. Actually, the matter is even worse, because the Christ myth was rather a theological and arbitrary invention than a spiritual development.

Comparing the Jewish Jesus to the Greek Christ, they have nothing in common.

The major differences are listed below.

Jesus had a bioligical father. This is a hard fact. And there are more.

His mother was not a virgin at his conception and his birth.

His mother was just a woman and not the Queen of Heaven.

Jesus was not God, and neither the Son or the only Son of God.

His immersion in the water of the Jordan, performed by John, was not a Christian Baptism, but a Jewish ritual of purification.

Jesus was not a Christian person, but an observant Jew.

Jesus has never invented Christianity, Paul did.

Whether he performed any miracle in real life, it is irrelevant, a lot of prophets and even contemporary rabbis did bigger ones, for example Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus.

Jesus did not die on the cross, because he survived it. The clues are in the Gospels.

Even if he would have died on the cross, he would not have resurrected from the death. At the end he died as (almost) everybody else.

He never ascended into Heaven, probably he fled to Pella or to the Qumran.

His never happened death on the cross saves nobody from sins or Hell, even if it would have happened, because first of all, the human sacrifice is a pivotal abomination in the Torah Law, secondly, no one can atone sins on behalf of an other person.

Jesus is not a mediator between God and the human nation, because nobody can and must stand between the Creator and his creation.

Jesus can not return as Messiah King or as an ultimate judge at the end of the history, though reincarnation does exist, because he is not the Messiah, just a failed throne claimant in the Roman ruled Judea, backed by the Essenes, possibly having Hasmonean ancestry, or even maybe Herodean family connections.

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