Jesus was framed. He is not the founder of Christianity. Christians follow Paul the apostate and the decrees of wicked Roman Emperors. Too bad.

Jesus had been framed. He became a painted icon.

It is just that simple.
What is the core of his teachings? Be a better Jew by keeping the commandments of Moses by your whole heart. He never addressed other nations. The best living example of his teachings was James the Just, a strictly observing Jew, his own brother, the leader of the Jerusalem congregation, which group was fully comprised of strict, observant Jews.

Was Jesus a sectarian? Yes, he was, so were the Sadducees and many other Jewish exclusive societies  in the era. He was sentenced by Rome to death for sedition against Rome. Jesus was a not a Christian. Neither were his disciples. Neither any of the members of the Jerusalem congregation. He never invented Christianity.
Paul did.

Paul was also a complicit in murders, in executions of innocent people, in sentences, in trials, in persecution against the members of the Jerusalem congregation.

According to the Mosaic Law, the sins of Paul was inexcusable, he was condemned.
Thus, Paul taught that the Law of Moses expired, it did not apply anymore. Forgiveness is given not  by repentence and by keeping the commandments  but by believing in the sacrificial death of Jesus.
This pauline teaching is not only an occult one, but a straightforward blasphemy, as human sacrifices are banned by God, and they are an abomination.

Eventually, he wanted to steel the merits of Jesus to cover his own unforgiveable sins, and he fabricated a psychopatholigical religion for that purpose.
The teachings of Jesus and the teachings of Paul are antagonistic by their nature. However believes Paul, he can not be a follower of Jesus and an honorary member of the Jerusalem congregation.

Paul was a narcissistic liar, probably also a Roman agent, falsifying and misinterpreting the Jewish scriptures ten thousand times in his letters, in order to make his misquotes fit into his agenda.

Jesus is framed, his teachings are denied, his memory  is stolen, his legacy is spit at the face. Christianity is twisted by Paul, Christians are tricked by a fraudster. Too bad.

Time to change.

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