Hell is a place. It is called Earth. Eventually the earthly life is not exactly Hell, it is actually a boot-camp, so it can temporarily be even worse than Hell, during recurring reincarnations.

Hell is a place. It is called Earth. Eventually the earthly life is not exactly Hell, it is actually a boot-camp, so it can temporarily be even worse than Hell, during recurring reincarnations.

Before you start enjoying your part time marathon of sex, party and rock and roll, you should remember that every single person was born on Earth to suffer. We are here to make amendments for our sins we committed either in the spiritual reality or in our former lives during our recurring reincarnations.

Self indulgence, careless partying, meat eating, lending money with interest, selfishness and greed, murder and warfare in general, especially wickedness and cruelty just further accumulate our debts we must pay for one by one, though many times we pay the price as groups of people, like family, clan, nation and humanity, as well.

Most people identify themselves with their own body, but that is an optical illusion of the mirror at its best, even in scientific sense.

Our body keeps changing with every exhaling, inhaling, eating, emptying, etc. Our cells are not the same for even a single moment. Researchers claim that all the innumerable billions of our molecules are completely exchanged with external molecules in about every seven years.

Still in the morning mirror you say to your body image that this is me. However it is not true, not even for a decimal moment. And it is such an error of judgment. The soul behind your earthly peel is you, not the covering organic peel reflected back by the mirror screen.

Even the very first of your births happened as a consequence of your sins. The sin of the soul causes the materialization and the embodiment in a lower world, like boot-camp Earth.

The conception and the birth is the biological materialization of the spiritual soul. When the soul gets dirty, it becomes dirt, or a bit more accurately stating, the soul becomes covered with dirt, acquiring a biochemical body for a while.

On Earth the soul is still a spiritual entity, but it is temporarily imprisoned into a body.

Everyone pays with the currency of sufferings for his sins, meanwhile in the karmical complexity of paying for sins, one also must incur the responsibility to make proper amendments aiming reconciliation with all involved.

We used to hear that the final sacrifice to pay or the ultimate payment is death. However it just partially true, because it depends on the path you walk.

If you are growing in righteousness every day, you may merit the World to come (Heaven).

In that case you will be graduating from the earthly boot camp, your final and last payment is your death and you may enter a level of Heaven.

(Nobody is allowed to shorten his or her or somebody else’s life in order to get faster to Heaven, because it is a mortal sin, and eventually it prevents entering Heaven. Additionally, it has multiple negative consequences in the next reincarnation.)

However, if either you are constantly sinking or windsurfing or stagnating or elevating but not high enough in wisdom and righteuosness, you will end up reincarnating, like you have to take again a full school year because you failed the final exams.

After the temporary judgement, what we call death, you will have to come back to repeat the boot-camp. It is not only an external judgment from God, like he sentences you to earthly life again, but you are the one who pleads for mercy begging to be allowed to try life aka the boot-camp again.

It is not a wonder that reincarnating people in transit keep begging for their reincarnation, because the transitional spiritual place are like Hell as well, where the souls are chased and tortured by demons non-stop.

When you come back to Earth you are destined to suffer a lot, like recurring payments on a payment plan, and also you have to make through new trials.

You have to realize that you partake in a boot-camp, where the aim is not necessarily framed to make you fail, but quite the opposite, to make you succeed to grow in spirit.

Nonetheless most people fall back, because the society and culture around us work as a brake on us. The frames do not let us develop into the right directions unless we brake some fences, in order to obey rather God, than bullies and tyrants.

Occasionally you have to leave your personal Egypt and almost everything behind to get a little freedom that you need to blossom.

So, Earth is a place of painful repayment, and in that function it is Hell indeed, especially when all hell breaks loose, when demons in human bodies take charge of full empires, and blood mixed with tears covers the Earth and colors the waters.

You can definitely recognize the Grand Theater of Hell in many world event of the past.

However, our biological lifespan is also a subject of the institutionalized boot-camp establishment on Earth, where not only sinking, but developing in moral skills and wisdom is also possible, having hope and faith despite of all tribulations.

And surprisingly but according to the higher rules, the boot-camp regulations also allow some rewards to be enjoyed on Earth, like love and friendship, peaceful achievements of study and work, cooperation instead of competition, blessings instead of curses, peace instead of wars. All like limited trailers from the world to come with some spoiler alerts.

May the Creator Sky God be blessed for his mercy and grace.

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