A CONFUSION IN The Armenian diversity outreach: is a comment on the Video of D I V E R S I T Y DOCUMENTARY FILM created by The Armenian Diocese in Canada

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The video is quoted only for commentary and educational purposes.

Original video: D I V E R S I T Y DOCUMENTARY FILM

A confusion in the Armenian diversity outreach: is a comment on the Video of D I V E R S I T Y DOCUMENTARY FILM created by The Armenian Diocese in Canada

Editorial Commentary :

CONFUSION IN The Armenian diversity outreach:

The Armenian Diocese in Canada just released a video  titled Diversity with the seemingly noble intention to build common-ground for mutual understanding among nations, cultures and religions.

Bombastic intro and very hollow content.
Without any cynicism, the video would be simply cheesy, if it were not an agenda video.

The supposed to be message is that we should love each other despite our differences, and the best way to start it via getting to know each other and learning a lot about the other.

That can be true, however at the very beginning of the video (1:28) one of the Armenian narrators stated the very error of the statement:

They should understand that that is a major problem.
Although they are trying to have dialogs, multilateral understanding, good will  hunting, etc., however they will achieve close to nothing until they keep clinging on the feeling that I am somehow still better than you.

BECAUSE my theology is better than yours.
The summary of the outreach message can be outlined that: we have our theological differences, nonetheless we should try to be friends or at least friendly.

However, there is a huge difference between theological difference and the real theology. Some assert that theology is what we think about G-d.
However, theology is what G-d reveals to us.

There is one real revelation and there are the other made up stories.
In many other places, in Armenia too, Christianity  was accepted as a state religion of geopolitical reasons, though of course they created fairy tales about it.

The Roman raised king Tiridates III had to fight the Sassanids of Persia and that practically molded Armenia into a Christian Kingdom, cut off from the Persian culture and religious influence.

So that was an agenda and remained an agenda, and sticking to the story is sticking to a deeply historical formation of the Armenian psyche.
However the Christian story is a man made construction of long centuries, marked by the silly Creeds, like the Nicean, the Chalcedonian, the Athanasian and others.

Its justification is a forced one, which forced traditions, conscience, common sense, whole societies to accept a non-sense fabricated myth to become a tool of the rule and the control of the masses.

It is a religion, called Armenian Christianity which according to the video does not want to change its theological premises, and it does not matter how twisted they are from the very beginnings of the existence of the ancient creeds.

Still they want to sit down offering handshakes to the other religions or peoples.
Saying, we can not, we do not want to agree on our theological differences with others, but let us have a talk or two.

Yeah. It seems rather illogical on agree on differences, how true that is, saying with a benevolent intention. Otherwise there are no differences.

However the antagonistic looking major differences came from wrong perceptions.
Nonetheless to have real understanding, the parties, regardless of denomination or religion, should / must agree on the minimum values of any theology.

WHERE ARE THEY, those theological minimum values to be respected by all, regardless of denomination and religion ?

They are right there in the Noahide commandments. Keep them and make friends.


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