WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE PCUSA again and again? – a comment on the article : pcusa7-against-israel – June 27, 2018

One could say that their problem is the gravity, as what they do is falling (from grace?) .
Although gravity is a natural phenomenon, the simile is talkative because gravity itself is a force propagated by a force field thus its speed is not constant. It is accelerating with time on the square albeit without involving the light, inner or external.
Sinking might be, in some denominational circles, a never-ending scratching of the stinking ulcers, though we always hope for the better.

What they are producing nowadays it is not only sinking in morals, speedily losing Biblical ground, but a free fall into the dark art of serving politics.

And these are dangerous waters for the ship of the faith.
Politics is a power struggle. Mostly it does not aim the common good, it is not a charity work pursued by pious volunteers, though sometimes they try to sell this idea.

Politics mostly is deemed by its cultivators as the tool of laying golden eggs, but actually they help breed golden calves and they worship them.

How can Faith serve ideology?
It is supposed to be impossible, even if Faith says itself that nothing is impossible. That is true. However Faith keeps saying that one particular thing is an exception, thus it is still impossible that Faith serves ideology aka politics.

That is a big question: if they, the governing, legislating bodies of the PCUSA do it, why they do it?

Because who does it among them, he or she, or a whole church body is historically shameless.

They are shouting Apartheid towards Israel, meanwhile some of their own ranks come from church structures, which owned slaves till the second part of the 19th century, and several church bodies supported slavery in the South.

(wikipedia reference: Oast, Jennifer (November 2010), “‘The Worst Kind of Slavery’: Slave-Owning Presbyterian Churches in Prince Edward County, Virginia”, Journal of Southern History, 76 (4): 867–900.)
They are shouting colonialism towards Israel, and most of the shouters are descendants of white Scottish and Irish colonial settlers and immigrants.
However all of these are only historical leverage on the present.
It is also thinkable that political activism in the present has political motives aka ulterior motives as well.

According to the wikipedia, the recent, quite aged membership of the PCUSA is still predominantly white, well-educated, middle or- high middle class. Many families of them earning 100 k and +/ year. That social fabric of this crowd is usually not only eager to jump on an alms giving guilt trip anytime, but they are mostly Democratic voters.

Supporting the Democratic Party means not only principle enthusiasm or volunteer loyalty but economical relations too between the voters or at least the voting elite and their party. Winning or losing elections means also some redistribution of the wealth between the two elites (and their entourage) in the recycling politics in a way or an other.
It means that the middle class Democratic Voting Church Crowd prefer democratic (ultra-liberal) policy over Faith.

The question, very often, in the big gatherings of the church councils is not anymore the question of the American Great Awakenings, that “What Would Jesus Do” (WWJD in our place), but rather that what is the actual party policy or the relevant ideological section of the (ultra) liberalism.
If the Republicans are mostly pro Israel, than Israel is not the favorite of their opponents, those voters who sit in liberal church pews. It is a bit ironical too, because at least in the USA, the alliance with Israel has a bipartisan support.

Ironically again, same voters is busy creating church policies not according to the Bible, but according to their voting and ideological preferences in politics.
Thus they sell their faith for 30 silver or to the Golden Calf in order to own a Golden Egg Laying Tool.

Article is quoted only for commentary–educational purpose. 
Pictures are only illustrations, they do not belong 
to the article.

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