COMMENT ON THE MISSION STATEMENT-ish statement of the World Council of Churches

Mission Statement-ish statement of the World Council of Churches
On its own website the World Council of Churches says that 
"The World Council of Churches is a fellowship of churches 
which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour 
according to the scriptures, and therefore seek to fulfill 
together their common calling to the glory of 
the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. "


Editorial Commentary


That is an interesting method to distort reality. They should hear themselves just as they (would) read it aloud what is in their statement.

Because it should be read like this :
• The World Council of Churches is a fellowship which confess the Y.H.V.H. (Lord) Yeshua (in Aramaic, Jesus in English) Messiah (Christ) ) son of Joseph (or else), otherwise a Galilean Jewish rabbi, we confess him as Elohim and Savior, according to the Scriptures (The Jewish Tanakh of the Judaism + the anti-Judaism Greek New Testament), and therefore we seek to fulfill together our common calling (there is none because the whole thing is non-sense) to the glory of one God, the Father (it should stop here in order to avoid blasphemy and idolatry), Son and Holy Spirit.

It is a tragicomedy, though rather a blood-thirsty tragedy than a comedy, how people still do play a theater of authority where just like the kings and kaisers, even popes and orthodox patriarchs, archbishops and bishops, institutions, synods and councils are bare naked and moreover hollowly empty.

Using organized religion as an organized tool of domination is despicable.
Yeshu (Jesus), as a late Jewish throne claimant, nominated and trained by the Galilean Jewish Essenes, a leader of the Jewish Nazarenes (the Way) and the Jewish Baptists, should deserve better than the never-ending exploitation of his name, by the Romans and the heirs of the Romans.

Picture from the Pixabay do not belong to the article. 
Quotes from the article used only 
for educational and commenting purpose.

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